Data Protection Declaration
How we use your data
New data protection laws are coming into force, and as a charity, we are responsible for making sure that we comply. One of the things we have to do is to be transparent about the data that we hold on our supporters or people we work with and how we use it.
What information do we hold?
We hold basic contact information for our supporters, including name and address, plus telephone numbers and email addresses where these have been given or received in the course of our work.
In addition, if you are or have been a regular giver we may hold a copy of your original standing order form, containing your financial information.
If you have ever given permission for us to claim gift aid on any of your donations, we hold copies of your gift aid declarations, which by necessity includes your name and address.
How is the information stored?
The information we hold is held both in hardcopy and digitally. All hardcopy is held securely. Digitally-held data is password protected.
How do we use your data?
If you have signed up to receive our newsletter, we use your personal data to send you our termly newsletter, and on occasion, other communications about events.
We use your data to process regular standing order gifts, in the course of our financial accounting, and to claim gift aid on donations. In the even of an audit by HMRC, we are required to make all gift-aid declarations available for inspection.
What don’t we do?
We don’t pass your data on to third parties, or employ a third party to carry out any communication on our behalf. Neither do we use the data that we hold to find out more about you, or to profile our supporters in any way.
What rights do you have?
If you no longer wish to hear from us, either by written or electronic means, you can contact us and ask to be removed from our database or to opt-out of email communication. From that point, you should no longer hear from us, unless it relates to an ongoing financial commitment. For example, if you have given a gift aided donation in that financial year, we would still write and tell you how much had been claimed on your behalf, as you may need this information for your tax return.