Romania Medicare

Val, Martin and I visited the JOY projects in Targu Mures, in Transylvania, Romania in October and were thrilled with all the work that is being done by the Medicare nurses, and the amazing results for some very disabled people. Dalma , who was born with severe cerebral palsy, is now walking with a walking frame, going to school, and aiming for university. She has her own radio programme, fighting for accessability, and raising awareness of the needs of those with disabilities. This has happened with the help of regular physiotherapy, and encouragement from Medicare nurse/physio Hunor, and her own boundless determination
Rosika, (seen here with nurse Eva) is another lass who was born with cerebral palsy.She is now living independently with the support and encouragement of the Medicare nurses. So many people come to the Medicare clinic for treatment, support and advice. JOY sends funding for some of the clinic expenses, but it is so little, compared with the endless work that is done, and we feel priviliged to know this wonderful team of dedicated people, most of them are volunteers, but what a lovely fellowship of youngsters commited to serving the sick and needy,
Clever Hands
The centre for disabled youngsters is always a joy to visit, as the dedicated staff are like a family, the youngsters are busy and contented, and the whole place feels full of the Holy Spirit. They are all busy fundraising, and they cover most of the costs of the project, but have a dream to open a second sheltered home, for those whose parenst can no longer care for them. We helped fund the first: the Peter House, and the Paul House will be on the same piece of land which was given to them by one of the villagers. We hope to be able to help with this also, depending on the state of our bank balance!!! We had a wonderful day of celebrating the opening of the Peter House; the parents had excelled themeselves with the food, and it was just one huge party with all the local people who had any connection, so there were a lot of old friends there, and it was a wonderful occasion.
The latest container was received gratefully and has made such a difference to so many desperate lives, especially those unable to get about due to disability or injury. Like the little girl without any legs who now has a new life with her wheelchair, this gentleman was thrilled to be able to get around and sent a message of thanks for his wheelchair. They are, without doubt, one of the most exciting things we can send, and revolutionises so many lives, for people, who could not possibly afford one. Please continue to pray for the wonderful Christian group who distribute all we send.

We continue to send medical supplies, warm clothes and wash bags of soap, face flannels, towels, toothpaste and brushes for the soldiers and families, who are continuing the struggle in the ongoing war with Russia. It is all taken by Tim Marsden who takes most of it to Lviv hospital and the surrounding area. Pray for him and the safety of those who are trying to help the many people injured, made homeless, or who have lost family as Ukraine strives to keep its sovereignty in this ongoing war with Russia.
Give Thanks
- For all those working to help the poor and needy, whether in Romania, Yemen, Ukraine or any of the many countries around the world where there is war, conflict, natural disaster of flood, fire or drought.
- For Christians standing up for their faith under oppression, in Yemen and elsewhere, and risking their own safety to help others.
- For all the wonderful support we get from so many of you.
Please Pray
- For peace and justice in so many war torn countries, or places of tyranny.
- Pray for strength and safety for all our wonderful brothers and sisters, who continue to help their suffering neighbours in places of danger, injustice and war.
- For sufficient funds for us do as much as we can supporting colleagues in Romania, Yemen and Ukraine.