Medicare thank you!

Our colleagues are so grateful to all those who make the beautiful Christmas food parcels. They arrived in time to be delivered to those in need for Christmas, and helped to make Christmas special for a lot of poor and desperate old people, and for the disabled, for whom the staff provide lovely Christmas celebrations. Medicare are celebrating 25 years of caring for chronically ill and elderly patients for whom there is no other care. Despite a collapsing medical care system, Dr Judit writes: ” Our aim is to give care to the needy people. The important is, God willing, you are here for us. It’s an everyday miracle. God bless you.”

The rehabilitation project, seeing over 200 patients daily, is celebrating 25 years since we first helped to put Dr Iren’s dream into practice with a converted small 3 roomed flat. Now in a beautiful, airy building, the hard working staff are doing amazing work. The administrator wrote:” I want you to know that without your help and generosity all this wonderful things we did thro the years was not possible. Please let all know that our prayers are with you. God bless you all.
Clever Hands
Here is one of my favourite pictures of one of the disabled youngsters from the disabled care centre, enjoying a party in her national dress. The staff provide all sorts of events and activities: there is never a dull moment.

But Orsi wrote: “This last year was probably the most difficult since I work here, mainly caused by complete lack of state subsidy and negative legislation which affect our finances. Still we could continue our activities and the youngsters didn’t even notice these problems. We have some unexpected donations, and this year looks more promising, we receive the maximum amount of state subsidy (less than 20% of our budget but we are happy to have that. She then quotes Isaiah “For I know the plans I have for you, to prosper you and not harm you” Despite the change in the law the medicine factory we were working for want to extend the contract, although it is now disadvantageous for them but very good for us, not only financially, but it’s also an excellent work opportunity for the youngsters”. One help was a lovely donation from some friends from Liversedge: Betty and Terence, who sent money for a new freezer (much needed by the Peter Home). Zsuzsi, who is the carer at the home e mailed: ” Our freezer broke down and a couple of days later you we mailed..WOW! God’s amazing and humbling timing. We have purchased it and are using it already. The amount of money is more than this freezer. From the rest i am planning to buy a guitar for the Peter Home!”
Faithful support over many years

Malcolm Grainge, who initiated the charity 28 years ago, has been completely sponsoring our warehouse. He has very generously offered to continue to support us by paying two thirds of the rent for 5 years. Now he is selling the estate and retiring due to ill health, and although remaining as honorary president, we will miss him and his cheery smile and wonderful support. We all wish him a very happy and healthy retirement.
Sue Crawshaw came on board to keep the accounts, and keep me in order, 26 years ago. She is also having to retire because of increased family commitments. Thank you for all you have done over the years, and your unfailing friendship Sue. We do need a book keeper- so please pray about this, that God will provide the right person. Please pray also for the future plans and direction of the charity.
May you know God’s blessing this Easter time
He is Risen
Give thanks:
- For the generosity and support of Malcolm and Sue.
Please pray:
- For more volunteers for our two shops.