Medicare celebrate 25 years of loving care!

Val and I were thrilled to be part of their special day in May, and it was lovely to see old friends who came from Italy, Germany and Switzerland for a lovely day of prayer and thanksgiving in their local church. Medicare is doing wonderful work with the sick and disabled: helping stroke patients walk after being delivered home by ambulance as incurable, and left without any care, often unconscious.

Then Medicare step in, with prayer, and hope, and at first daily physiotherapy and nursing, rallying help from neighbours and family, often with quite miraculous results. Dr Judit Finna and her lovely group of nurses are wonderful, as they all work with such dedication- and apart from the 4 we pay are all volunteers. Their love, and God’s provision and miracles, seen so often, were well worth celebrating. Their plans and hopes for respite care are exciting. We visited the plot of land JOY bought; it’s in the lovely, quiet village of Szabed, where one of the nurses family live, and another is buying a house, convenient for caring for any patients there. Judit and Csaba are selling the old store house we bought in town which is now in need of rebuilding and is a target for theft. With the money they can start with a store place at Szabed, and progress as God provides.
Rheumcare celebrate 25 years rehabilitation!

It’s 25 years since we first helped to put Dr Iren’s dream of rehabilitation into practice, first converting a small 3 roomed flat, as seen in the photo below with Director Marinela on the left. Now they have a large, beautiful, airy building, (lower photo) seeing over 200 patients a day!! And Iren’s big dream of a therapy pool has also come true and is helping many people

There were visitors from all over for the celebration, with representatives from the local authority, the MP, and many old friends. Marinela wrote: “I’m glad you are pleased at what you see here, and I think this celebration is yours as well because without you and your help, Rheumcare didn’t exist”
A container for the Yemen
Please pray as we collect aid for desperate people in the Yemen. We hope to get it shipped out as soon as possible. Pray that we will be able to collect the most vitally needed supplies and that the contents will reach the most needy people. We are struggling to get any ophthalmic supplies for the eye clinic there, and we also need vitamins, pain killers, dried baby food and large catering packs of rice. If you can help, or require further details, please contact the office here, or leave items at the warehouse on Jubilee Way (see back of the newsletter). Pray that it arrives safely, and that it will bring God’s love to some people in the worst humanitarian disaster in the world. One container seems a drop in the ocean in such a dreadful situation- but our God is mighty and can do great things through small people like ourselves.
Clever Hands

Orsi is planning ahead for the disabled young people; more of whom will need sheltered housing fairly soon as their parents get frail. She is doubling the parental contribution (which will be willingly given as the need is so great) and this should cover the cost of running the units. So she is seeking God’s will and His provision to start a second sheltered unit, so that the youngsters don’t end up in state institutions. She is praying for and anticipating their self sufficiency, always very grateful for our support, and the supplies we send. Val and I enjoyed staying with the youngsters in the Peter House while we there, and were given wonderful hospitality by the lovely team of carers and cooks. Both they and those in the day care centre are a lovely picture of God’s love and care for the disadvantaged.
Give thanks:
- For the generosity of so many people over the years – please– if you haven’t e-mailed or written to give me permission to keep in contact, do so as soon as possible or we cannot keep your details, or continue to keep you informed of the work of JOY.
- For Judit & Csaba and the nurses of Medicare, for Orsi and her team at Clever Hands, for Arpi and the team of workers at the Elisabet foundation and for Marinela and the staff of Rheumcare- for all these lovely people and the care they have for the needy
Please pray:
- For the container for the Yemen- for ophthalmic supplies for the eye clinic there, and that it will all arrive safely in spite of the war and attacks by Saudi and UAE forces in the west. Pray for peace and help for the beleaguered people.
- for someone to take over the book keeping of JOY from Sue as she retires, after 26 years of voluntary service, she goes with our love and prayers- though still, thankfully remaining part of JOY as a trustee.