The JOY container of aid successfully delivered to Yemen

The container of humanitarian aid seen here being loaded on a local truck in the Yemen, is being delivered to some of the desperate people in the world’s worst humanitarian disaster. One of our contacts, e mailed :”I assure you every single thing you sent is very useful for many people in Yemen. We really thank you very much for your generous support, please send our thanks to all the kind people who were involved in this amazing work. We really appreciate your goodwill. May God protect you and bless you all”
An email from the eye clinic in Aden said: “Thank you for everything you did for us. This photo (where he took some of the aid) is 120 km from Aden where are displaced people from the war zone. Thank you for all your help.”

Christmas food parcels for destitute people in Romania

Thank you to all of you who made so many beautifully wrapped boxes of food for some very poor old folk. They will be delivered this week or given out at the annual Medicare Christmas party in Targu Mures on December 4th. Here Medicare nurse Janos delivers one to old Janos who is in his 90s and lives alone. Dr Judit Finna writes that they are preparing the paperwork for the respite care house in the village of Szabed; “In the meantime lots of needy people. We prepare our Christmas feast for our old people…and food for school children in a poor village in Covasna. In the meantime work with our patients. Thank you for everything. God bless you.”

Clever Hands

The staff at the day care centre for disabled youngsters in Targu Mures is busy as ever, and have 3 new youngsters, and more older parents desperate for sheltered housing for “young” people they can no longer manage. So Orsi is looking to somehow fund the building of a second home out in the village of Ernei.. Meanwhile they are always very happy for food and other basic supplies, and send their love and thanks. They have run out of rug making canvas. If anyone can source any for me, they would be grateful as it is one of the ways they make money to help with their running costs. Orsi writes: “We received everything you sent. Thank you very much. Thank you a lot;.all are very useful. We wish you the Lord’s blessings.”
God bless you all this Christmas
Give thanks:
For the safe arrival of the container in the Yemen, and for all those working to help those many displaced and needy people.
Please pray:
- For peace, and freedom of worship in that country.
- For all our colleagues in the projects in Romania, for a blessed Christmas and support in the future for the wonderful work they are doing from the authorities.
- For the children at the Elisabet foundation, and the patients of Rheumcare that they find the peace and joy of Christ this Christmas
- Pray for supplies and funds for a second container for the Yemen