Heroes in dangerous situtations
In Yemen they wrote:

“We thank you for your caring heart. Our Yemeni brothers and sisters will be so grateful to receive the container. While the news is quite grim we are thankful that it has not yet impacted the port, our team, or distributions. Our local team works diligently to move items from the port to distribution sites across the country in a manner that keeps everyone safe. We continue to pray for the health and safety of those working to serve in the country as they are impacted by COVID-19 and other illnesses.“
News of our 4th container’s imminent arrival prompted this reply:

“What exciting news to start the week off with! We thank you and your partners for being so generous and caring towards our brothers and sisters. We have seen relentless conflict continuing to destroy Yemen. Yet out of the dark shadows of war our faithful Yemeni brothers and sisters growing in the character of Christ and impacting their communities”
The 4th container holds 200 Aquaboxes plus 100 WaterAid boxes with water filters and basic household necessities, 51 wheelchairs, 250 boxes medical supplies and equipment, artificial limbs and splints etc, crutches, 75 walking frames, 2 large frame tents, and hundreds of beautiful knitted blankets. Thank you for all your donations.
From Targu Mures, Romania
“The recent period has been a great burden on everyone physically and mentally. We knew it was going to happen, and it could get worse, but somehow it was unprepared. isn’t easy either: there are plenty of sick, dying, unresolved cases: people left alone, not all of them infected with Covid, but because of it, it’s hard to get medical care, almost nothing worked, as if only the COVID existed. This is probably the case everywhere, but our team (below, with Dr Judit on the left) has so far outperformed itself. We don’t know how long we’ll be able to sustain ourselves, but everyone did their job without any complaints and never once did we pretend not to try to solve something. We may not have succeeded everything, but certain that we have all done our best.“

Clever hands
Also in Targu Mures

“Daily we fill a declaration that haven’t symptoms and we didn’t meet sick people, before entering the center we have to measure and record body temperature for everybody, wash and disinfect hands, change shoes before the entrance, keep distance of 2m between two people. The first day took almost one hour to “arrive” from the gate to the rooms. But everybody was very happy. Even that we work in small groups and that means that one youngster can come only twice a week, In the Peter home also: every day disinfect the house, measure and record body temperature for the clients twice a day, and once for staff, fill the declaration for the every day”
Meanwhile here at home:

Sisters Kath and Margaret have worked incredibly hard: cleaning, painting and reordering the Bingley JOY shop to meet current regulations. The shop is bright and welcoming, and the customers love it, so that funds are rolling in better than ever before, as people support them and what we are doing. The flood damage to the Shipley shop has been repaired, and when we have cleaned, reordered and restocked it, we will be opening as soon as we get the voluntary staff to do so, hopefully by the end of November. We are very grateful to the support we have had from so many of you in this difficult time. God bless and keep you.
May the grace of God be with you all
Give thanks
- For the work of so many lovely Christian people working in difficult situations in many places, and shedding light in these dark times
Please Pray
- For the safety and health of our contacts in the Yemen, and for the many people they are helping. With 24 million people needing aid; clean water, shelter, food and medical help, their task is unbelievable.
- For peace and justice, and our faith and witness.
- For volunteers to help in the Shipley JOY shop, so that it can open again.