
The situation in Ukraine is disastrous for so many of the population, many injured, many with homes destroyed, and loved ones killed. Trying to cope without running water, even drinking from puddles, unable to wash, or afford food. The hospitals are overwhelmed with the injured and sick, and the staff so grateful for medical supplies. Here a member of staff delights in medical equipment we sent (all checked and serviced by our medical engineering friends in our local hospital) A message came from them “Today received another important product, SVL s ventilators, will be very useful for the emergency crews on the frontline. Thank you for your support in our difficult struggle! Together for the win.”

How tragic it all is, but good that we can help, thanks to Tim Marsden who organises transport of all our donations to Ukraine from Huddersfield. Here he is talking to one of the many soldiers who have lost limbs, giving him a couple of the comfort bags of basic essentials that so many of you have generously donated. They are so very much appreciated. So sending medical supplies is still a priority, also paracetamol and vitamins, and packet soups and instant pasta (they need very little cooking where this is a problem- just some water boiled over a candle wax stove!)
Aquabox are sending in water filters in shelter boxes, which are so important. fight Against diseases such as cholera

How exciting to know that our last container helped 1,193 people with everything from shelter boxes, food, to medical supplies. Our colleagues wrote: “The aid was critical to improve their quality of life. The sincere appreciation and gratitude was a testament to the impact of the aid” Some of the most moving stories are of the change that the gift of a wheelchair can make, in enabling someone confined to their bed to get out and about and live a new life.

Abdou, from a small village was unable to walk, was isolated and lonely. When presented with a wheelchair, tears streamed down his face as he expressed his heartfelt gratitude. “This is the most wonderful gift I ever received” he said. He is now able to get out and about. The photo is of another man so pleased to have achair so friends can take him out and about. The shelter boxes from Aquabox are so important to households without a clean water supply like this lady in her tent, who can now filter any water she gets perhaps from the river or other dirty supply, and know that it is absolutely safe.
The young girl with crutches is from an orphanage -school for disabled girls, to whom school and medical supplies were delivered, and gratefully received.
Clever Hands in Romania

The centre for disabled youngsters in Targu Mures in Romania is busy as always. The summer is a great time for outdoor activities like riding for the disabled. This helps with balance, co ordination and self confidence, and once they overcome their nervousness, they enjoy it very much. The team are busy raising funds towards their dream of a second day care centre. Pray for them as they become more self sufficient.

The home care nursing team in Targu Mures has had a difficult year with a lot of ill health. Dr Judit had a back injury and was working from a wheelchair but has recovered and everyone else is also back at work, and as she says, illness knows no days off! Finna writes “We often solve hopeless situations and still do with your help. Thanks for the many prayers. As I know, you are with us in thoughts and prayers every day, and this often gives strength to our struggles.. God bless and keep you all.
Give Thanks
- For all those whose donations make our work possible, and for the volunteers in our two JOY shops who raise the bulk of our funding. .
- For Alan Armitage who has volunteered not only to be our book keeper but a trustee as well, and has already sorted out the arrears of many months!
Please Pray
- For the attempts towards a peace treaty in Yemen.