
Our colleagues in Yemen report “the explosive remnants of war continue to claim lives with unknown numbers of landmines. Taiz is beseiged and fighting around the city betyween theHouthis and the government troups. The Yemeni church helps wherever they can and the Yemen Christian Alliance take medical supplies to loacl clinics as soon as they are shipped into the country. But Yemen’s health system is woefully inadequate, so many hospitals destroyed, and international aid has dwindled. In the absence of support from abroad, Yemenis continue to help those around them; some doctors providing free care for those who cannot afford to pay, and churches raising funds for those desperately needing treatment. But the church remains strong and many individuals are coming to faith, finding hope and comfort in trusting Christ.

“With a collapsing currency, rising prices, inflation and no way to earn a living wage Yemen’s young men are unlikely to lay down the arms they are paid to carry! Yemen ranks worst in the world for the level of hunger and many Yemeni children are suffering terminal starvation.” Our colleagues continue: “Let’s cry out today on behalf of all Yemenis too weak to cry out for themselves- to our Heavenly Father, our friends, praying for a fresh response to meet their deepening need.” Our next and 10th container will load and leave on December 10th. Please pray for safe delivery.

The latest convoy into Ukraine is busy delivering our aid to the desperately busy hospitals, continuing to function in spite of being under bombardment. The cots from the Airedale General have been delivered to the children’s hospital in Kryvyi Rih, as in the photo. They are still treating children there and trying to carry on although almost all the windows were blown out by a drone explosion in the hospital. The staff and management of the hospital say “Thank you to all of you. You angels for Ukraine are incredible!”

The continuing war in Ukraine is taking a heavy toll on everyone, not just the soldiers. Continue to pray for peace and justice there. Anyone who can make up a Christmas box with cuppa soups, Instant pasta, bar of chocolate, socks and gloves, please deliver to either JOY shop or contact me on 07751303210.
Clever Hands in Romania
The centre for disabled youngsters in Targu Mures has had their hardest summer eve. Because a care home treated its clients badly, they all had controls from 10 departments, with police and a lot of documentation required, upsetting the residents of the Peter House and disrupting the work of the staff.
The home care nursing team have so many patients and struggle with providing all the care needed. Although we cannot send medical supplies anymore, we can still send funding, as our finances allow, and they are always very grateful, as it helps them to carry on with their wonderful work
Malcolm Grainge

We give thanks for the life of Malcolm Grainge who died on August 10th at his home in the Lakes. He it was who first thought of helping the oppressed people of Romania after the fall of Ceaucescu, and who took the first van of aid out in January 1990 Although after some years, his life moved on with many other commitments in the Lakes, he remained a staunch friend and supporter of the work of JOY. He will be greatly missed by many of us, and not least by friends in Romania, to whom he was Uncle Malcolm.
Give thanks
- For all those whose donations make our work possible, and for our wonderful volunteers in the two JOY shops and the warehouse
Please pray
- For peace in so many areas of war, and for the victims of the violence.