This shows the distribution of the Aquaboxes we sent to people in a refugee camp. The 3rd JOY container has arrived safely in the port of Aden and is now going through their customs. Our contact said “We do not have words to thank you for all your hard efforts to help the people of Yemen. It was really something with great impact for those beneficiaries. Please send our thanks for everyone was involved in this amazing work. God bless and protect all of you.”. We are already collecting emergency goods for a 4th container to be shipped out in 4 to 6 months, and any help would be appreciated..

A water filter being demonstrated to an eager audience of recipients.
Medicare home care nursing in Targu Mures Romania

Dr Judit Finna and the home care team have been run off their feet. She writes “The flu epidemic here, and those who are not sick are afraid of viruses; I have 60 patients a day. I start early morning and sleep late night like everyone in the team: surgery, bandage, stroke patients, leg fractures. Thank you very much for helping again We do our best- we are still trying to apply more to churches and NGOs because the state is very uncertain. It would be good to have a day of 48 hours and a week of 8 days. Thank you very much again”
Clever Hands
Attilla is engrossed in rug making, which a lot of the young people in this day care centre in Targu Mures enjoy. They get a lot of satisfaction in their craft making, selling the results, which help with running costs of the centre. So any art and craft supplies help their very restricted budget. Similarly, the sheltered home for some of them in the village of Ernei is also short of money, so dried food and soap etc are very welcome. They have won the maximum grant from the state which is still only 10% of their budget

Essential Aid
Many of you have seen the appalling pictures of some of the millions of victims of the 5 year civil war in the Yemen. The vital needs for so many are vitamins and basic dried food, dried milk etc as the war has made it difficult for families to purchase food. Also in short supply are basic medical supplies for the many trying to help in such an enormous tragedy. The list is endless but priorities apart from water filters from Aquabox, are: dressings, bandages, surgical gloves and masks, wheelchairs, artificial limbs (for many thousands injured by land mines), 5kg bags of rice, beans or pasta. Go onto our website, or contact us for information

Give thanks :
J.. For those working for peace in trouble spots of the world like the Yemen.
J…For those brave and committed people delivering aid inside Yemen.
V.. The Yemen team as they decide on priorities when trying to help so many in need.
V…For all the good will and support we are receiving in our efforts to help.
V…For our friends in Romania seeking to help the disabled and needy, with rising costs and diminishing resources and scarcely any support from the authorities. Pray for strength and health, and the hope which God provides.